Cigar Rolling Services

6S™ Cigar Rolling Services

6S™ cigar rolling services is a unique and luxurious experience for various events, such as weddings, corporate gatherings, or private parties.

1. Cigar Rolling Packages

Basic Package:
A professional cigar roller will attend the event.
Guests can watch the art of cigar rolling and enjoy freshly rolled cigars.
Includes a selection of premium tobacco and basic cigar accessories.

Premium Package:
Includes everything in the Basic Package.
Custom cigar bands with event branding or personal names.
A wider selection of tobacco, including rare and exotic blends.
Cigar accessories like cutters, lighters, and humidors as take-home gifts.

VIP Experience:
Personalized cigar rolling experience where guests can choose their own blend.
Cigar pairing with spirits like whiskey or rum.
Expert talk on the history and art of cigar rolling.
A custom humidor with event branding.

2. Event Types

Weddings: We offer a luxury experience for grooms and guests, with custom cigar bands featuring the couple's names.
Corporate Events: A sophisticated addition to corporate gatherings, with branding on cigars and accessories. 
Private Parties: We create an exclusive atmosphere where guests can enjoy the art of cigar making.


3. Custom Event Options

Custom cigar bands.
Choice of tobacco blends.
Custom packaging for cigars as event favors.
Branded accessories like cutters, lighters, and humidors



    Contact 6S™ Cigars today for package pricing and to schedule your next special event.

    Rick 954-288-5994

    Farrell 954-325-3885